How to Choose the Right Toothbrush

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choosing the proper toothbrush

Brushing your teeth properly has probably been instilled in you from a young age. However, as the saying goes, a workman is only as good as his tools, and so choosing the right toothbrush is essential to ensuring you are giving your teeth and gums the best possible care. However, the market is saturated with different types of toothbrushes all making claims about how they help to look after your teeth, and so choosing the right toothbrush for your unique dental situation isn’t always easy.

How often should I change my toothbrush?

With new toothbrushes shown to remove up to 30% more plaque than one that is three months old, regularly replacing your toothbrush is essential for maintaining a consistently high level of oral hygiene. Dental experts recommend that you should replace your toothbrush every three months, or when the bristles begin to show wear, whichever comes first.

What should I look for in a toothbrush?

Here is our guide to what you need to look for to help you make the right decision.

  • Head Size. You will see a range of brush heads available, but by choosing a small-headed brush you will have better access to the parts of your mouth that can be trickier to access. For this reason, many dentists also advocate a round-headed toothbrush, as there are no additional angles to contend with!
  • Bristle Design. Bristle design is equally important when it comes to choosing your toothbrush. An increasing number of manufacturers are now producing heads with varying size bristles, which is very useful for getting into the deeper gaps between teeth and those hard-to-reach locations.
  • Bristle Firmness. Hard or soft bristles is another common debate among consumers, with many wrongly believing that firmer bristles will do a better job of cleaning your teeth. In fact, firm bristles can actually damage your teeth and gums. Instead opt for soft bristles which will be just as effective at cleaning your teeth, and will do so without irritating your gums or contributing to a receding gum line.
  • Handle Grip. When you consider that you should brush your teeth for at least the recommended two minutes every time, a handle with a comfortable and secure grip should be a priority. There are lots of varieties available so just pick whichever makes cleaning your teeth easiest.

Should I consider a powered/electric toothbrush?

Many dentists do recommend using a powered toothbrush as the fast rotations of the head can do an exceptional job of cleaning your teeth. However, electric toothbrushes and replacement heads can be expensive and manual teeth cleaning is just as effective if performed properly.

If you have limited manual dexterity, then you may find that an electric toothbrush will help you to achieve an adequate level of cleanliness. If in doubt, speak to your dentist who will be able to advise you. At San Diego Premier Dental Group, we will be happy to make recommendations as to the right toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash for each individual patient, in order to support them in achieving the highest possible level of dental health.